Scuppernong grapes.
Scuppernong is a muscadine grape that grows best in the southeast U.S. and warm areas of the West Coast. It is usually a greenish or bronze color and is similar in appearance and texture to a white grape, but rounder and larger and originally called the “big white grape.”
Sun Exposure
- Full sun (eight hours)
Soil pH
- 5.8 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones
- 7 to 10
- Plant 20 feet apart
- Keep soil moist throughout the growing season
- Use for eating fresh, jams & jellies, juice, dessert wine
- Quarter size, round, bronze-colored fruit
- Tends to do better in warmer climates
Do you grow Scuppernong grapes? If so, please tell us your top tips for ensuring a delicious harvest.
I have this variety of grape in central Florida. The skin is thick which makes it easier to peel. It is very sweet and pleasant for just eating off the vine. So far I have made some excellent jam that is almost gone. I have learned a lot on Food Gardening Network about how to care for it and make the jam.