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Food Gardening Network

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Great Grapes

Please check out the brief video above, to learn what this premium gardening guide is all about—the video will give you a glimpse into all the content in this gardening guide, including history and background, planting tips, specific plant profiles, recipes, nutrition and health information, and resources to help you be the best food gardener you can be.

How would it feel to have your own vineyard in your backyard? That’s what’s in store for you when you enter the world of backyard grape growing. Because of their versatility and adaptability, grapes are easy to grow in almost any climate, which…  READ MORE right arrow
Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
Grapes are the most popular fruit in the whole world—no surprise considering that they’re used for wine, juice, jelly, table grapes, and raisins. Talk about a multi-tasker! Surprisingly, grapes are considered to be a berry botanically. But whatever you call them, these vine plants not…  READ MORE right arrow
Red wine grapes in the vineyard.


Muscadine grapes on the vine.
There are four types of grapes for most home gardeners to choose from. The first is American grapes, Vitis labrusca, which are fairly easy to grow and are the most cold-hardy.   READ MORE right arrow

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