Tatuma Squash
Tatuma squash is also known as “calabacita” and is a Mexican heirloom variety. They’re pumpkin-shaped and taste best when no bigger than a softball, although larger ones can be grated to make a quick bread. It’s also good as a zucchini substitute with strong flavor. Tatuma has good disease and insect resistance, and is heat tolerant.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 5.5 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 10
- 6-8 feet apart
- 1 inch per week
- Has firm flesh and thin skin, sweeter and more flavorful than other summer squash
- Produces vigorous, sprawling vines that can grow to 12 feet long
- Prefers to sprawl on ground rather than be trellised
- Is greenish-gray or darker green with pale stripes
Have you ever eaten tatuma squash? Do you like it more or less than other summer squash? Please tell us how you like to eat it.