Ronde de Nice Squash
As its name implies, Ronde de Nice (also known as Gourmet Globe or Round French) is usually round and it’s a speckled light green in appearance. This is a French heirloom squash dating back to the 19th century, which is pricier than others at the supermarket. Use this one for stuffing, grilling, or braising. It has good disease and insect resistance. Best when harvested at 1 to 4 inches wide.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 5.8 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 10
- 12-24 inches apart
- 1 inch per week
- Sweeter than round zucchini
- Has a meaty texture and rich flavor
- Fruit is milky green colored
Have you ever grown Ronde de Nice, or do you think you might like to try it? Please tell us your thoughts on growing this French squash.