Hosui pear
The Hosui pear is a dessert cultivar that produces large, round, golden brown pears in late summer to early fall. The fruit is firm and juicy, with a sweet, rich flavor. Hosui pears are great for eating as a dessert or snack. They can be stored for up to three months. Hosui trees need a pollination buddy with the same bloom period, such as Bartlett or Chojuro. This cultivar has low chill hour requirements, making it a good choice for milder climates.
- Hardiness zones 5 to 9
- Standard tree grows 10 to 15 feet tall with an 8- to 10-foot spread
- Good for dessert
- Common names: Pear “Hosui,” Hosui Pear, Pyrus “Hosui,” Asian Pear, Chinese Sand Pear
Have you grown Hosui pears? Are they easy to tend and harvest? Please tell us about your experiences growing Hosui pears.