Ripe pears
Pears taste good—and they’re good for you. Here’s an overview of some of the potential benefits of eating pears.
Cancer Prevention
Antioxidants are known for their cancer-fighting properties as they fight free radicals in the body. Some studies have shown that flavonoids and cinnamic acids found in pears can help reduce the risk of cancer.
Heart Health
Several studies on the benefits of pears indicate they can contribute to heart health. Pears are high in potassium, which acts as a vasodilator to lower blood pressure. Pears are also high in fiber, which can contribute to decreasing cholesterol.
Better Blood Circulation
The high iron and copper content in pears can contribute to better blood circulation, which is especially helpful to people with anemia. These essential minerals also contribute to muscle health and better cognitive health.
Gut Health
With their high fiber content, pears make an excellent choice for digestive health. The soluble fiber in pears feeds your healthy gut bacteria. And because pears are high in both fiber and water content, they are an excellent choice if you are working to control your weight.
Immune System Support
Pears are packed with vitamin C and other nutrients your body needs to support its immune system. The antioxidants in pears have anti-inflammatory properties, which is good news for people with gout or arthritis. And reducing inflammation in the body can lower the risk of diabetes and even cancer.
Skin & Hair Health
Pears contain a healthy dose of vitamin A, which is good for you skin, hair, and nails. Pears also have nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help reduce age spots and wrinkles. Pears are also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential to help heal wounds.
Did you know that pears can be so healthful? Please tell us about healthy ways you use pears.