Nutritious spring onions
Scallions may seem to be mostly water and flavor, but they’re packed with quite a few essential nutrients that are essential for cell growth, vision, and heart, muscle, and nerve health.
Here is the nutrition information for one cup (100 grams) of raw scallions:
The main plant compounds in scallions are:
- Allicin. A byproduct of the phytochemical compounds allium and allyl disulfide, allicin forms through an enzymatic reaction when you chop or shred your scallions. Studies have connected allicin to lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
- Chromium. This trace mineral helps your body’s cells respond to insulin levels in your blood.
- Quercetin. This antioxidant flavonoid has been found to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties.
Scallions also offer you:
- Vitamin A, to support your vision and immune system
- Vitamin B1, which is essential for cell growth
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which supports energy production and metabolism
- Vitamin B6, which supports a strong metabolism and immune system
- Vitamin K, which contributes to bone and muscle health
- Vitamin C, the great antioxidant supporting the immune system
- Calcium, for strong bones and teeth
- Iron, for blood health
- Potassium, for kidney, heath, muscle, and nerve health
Did you know all these nutrition facts about scallions? Please tell us what you think.