Scallions are heavy feeders, and they need lots on nitrogen. You can use a fish emulsion about once a month to keep your scallions healthy and growing. Scallions are interesting in their growth pattern, in that they send up their leaves early to feed back toward the roots, rather than the roots doing all the work. Even so, you need that fertilization so that the leaves can do their job right.
If you’re growing perennial scallions and you’re going to let them overwinter in the garden, put a thick layer of mulch around them in late fall. When the soil starts to warm up in the spring, it will warm up faster under its blanket of mulch. That will get your growing season going again!
If you’re planning to plant scallions in a new location next season, test your soil in the fall to make sure the pH is right and that the soil has the nutrients it needs to support a healthy crop of scallions. Add fertilizer and/or compost as needed. You’ll be one step closer to harvest when you start up next season.
Do you fertilize your scallion plants? What type of fertilizer do you use? How often do you fertilize? Please tell us exactly how and when you fertilize your scallion plants.