Brussels sprouts are fairly easy to keep clear of weeds with just a little effort.
Prepare the soil properly before you plant so the area is free of weeds to begin with. As the plant grows, use a hoe or trowel and dig gently and shallowly to dislodge weeds without disturbing the Brussels sprouts’ roots. Cultivate just deep enough to cut the weeds off below the surface of the soil. After planting and initial weeding, place mulch no later than three to five weeks after planting to further deter weeds. You can use grass clippings (as long as they haven’t been treated with herbicide), clean straw, or other organic material. Pile it up about 3 to 4 inches deep.
Once your Brussels sprout plants have started growing, the leaves will cast enough shade to deter all but the most persistent of weeds. Be especially vigilant as you approach harvesting time, since you’ll be removing leaves as you go.
Do you have problems with weeds in your Brussels sprout garden? How do you handle weeding—and preventing weeds in the first place? Please tell us how you handle weeds in your Brussels sprout garden.