Early Perfection Peas.
Hardy and flavorful, Early Perfection earns its name for its many gardener-friendly attributes. You can plant this pea early, it’s very easy to grow, and it’s drought and disease resistant. Early Perfection is a prolific producer and can be planted in the fall for a second crop. This plant yields 3-inch pods containing seven to 10 tender and sweet peas. This variety is often called Deep Green Early Perfection for their beautiful color.
Sun Exposure
- Full to partial sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.5
Hardiness Zones
- 4 to 9
- Sow 1-2 inches apart, 1/2-1 inch deep
- Plant rows 24 inches apart
- Vines grow to 30 inches
- Prefers a support system/trellis
- Water deeply 1 inch a week; do not let soil dry out
- Shelling type
- 64 days to maturity
- First sowing should be in early spring as soon as soil can be worked
- Last sowing should be 2 months before frost
- Easy to grow, drought and disease resistant
- Holds up well for canning and freezing
Have you tried growing Early Perfection peas? Do you can or freeze them? Please tell us your experiences growing Early Perfection peas.