Carmine Jewel Cherries
If you can’t decide between sweet and sour, grow both! Carmine Jewel, a dwarf hybrid variety, is a cross between sweet and sour cultivars. Carmine Jewel requires well-drained soil and can be used as an ornamental shrub as well as a fruit-producer. It yields 15 to 30 pounds of small, deep-red cherries, both tart and sweet, with small pits.
Carmine Jewel produces pretty pink and white flowers in the spring. It is also hardy and cold-tolerant and is not prone to bugs or diseases. It’s suitable for a large pot, and you can use the fruit in baked goods and preserves, or ferment them for wine.
Sun exposure:
- full sun
Soil pH:
- 6.0 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones:
- 4 to 7
- 10 to 15 feet
- 1 inch per week
- reaches a height of 6 to 7 feet with a 4- to 8-foot spread
- ripens early in the season
- does not require a pollinator
- can be grown as a bush
Have you ever tried growing Carmine Jewel cherries? Were there any challenges you faced growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Carmine Jewel cherries.
My carmine is huge! It grew to be 12’ x 12’. We usually get 50-75 pounds of cherries from one bush. They make the very best cherry pie I have ever eaten. I also steam juice from them. The flavor is so intense I add equal part water when I want to drink it. The one bush easily supplies me with juice for drinking as well as pies for a year. We built a walk in wnclosure to orotect the fruit form deer and birds