Santo cilantro
Santo is one of the most popular cilantro varieties—maybe because it offers all of cilantro’s best qualities? It’s fast growing, yet slow to bolt, producing a longer leaf season than most. When it does bolt, Santo yields a bounty of seeds you can harvest for recipes using coriander. It’s easy to grow, resistant to pests, and attracts beneficial insects. What’s not to like?
Sun exposure:
- Full sun
Soil pH:
- 6.2 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones:
- 2 to 11
- Thin to 6 to 8 inches apart
- Space rows 12 inches apart
- 1 inch per week depending on rainfall
- Grows fast; slow to bolt
- Grows 12 to 18 inches tall
- Attracts beneficial insects
- Matures in 50 to 55 days
- Mild flavor; toss flowers and leaves into salads, add leaves at the end of cooking for best flavor
Do you grow Santo cilantro? If so, please tell us your top tips for ensuring a delicious harvest.