Staro Chives
Staro chives are a great choice if you plan to save a lot of your harvest for future cooking endeavors. This variety has thicker leaves than most other chives, so it will hold up well to freezing and drying. Once your plants are established, you can start harvesting leaves as you need them. Try to wrap up your leaf harvest before the plants flower; the flavor starts to diminish when the flowers come up.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours) to partial shade
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 9
- thin to 2 to 8 inches apart
- space rows 18 inches
- 1 inch per week or less
- prefers rich, well-drained soil that’s high in humus
- divide mature clumps every three to four years
Have you ever grown Staro chives? Please tell us about your experiences with Staro chives.