Forescate Chives
This variety of chives has big flashy pink flowers that pop up from a mound of grassy leaves. You can eat the leaves and the flowers, but be sure to cut all the flowers back at the end of the season so this variety doesn’t self-seed—it will revert back to regular chives. The plant will continue to produce bulbs below ground, and you can split plants in the spring or fall.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours) or partial shade
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 2 to 9
- thin to 10 to 12 inches apart
- space rows 12 to 15 inches
- 1 inch per week or less
Have you tried growing Forescate chives? What region do you grow them in? Please tell us your experiences growing Forescate chives.