Garlic Geisha Chives
Garlic Geisha chives are an All-America Selections (AAS) winner. According to the AAS, Garlic Geisha has that “just right” garlic flavor. This plant is a vigorous grower with wide, slightly flat leaves that taper to an elegant soft point. Both leaves and stalks are edible; if you like, you can harvest some of them for ornamental uses. Butterflies are also likely to flock to the plants when they’re in flower. Garlic Geisha chives are delicious in stir-fry dishes, soups, egg dishes, as a flavoring for butter, and they make a lovely fresh garnish.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 2 to 9
- thin to 10 to 12 inches apart
- space rows 12 to 15 inches
- 1 inch per week
- prefers well-drained soil
- high yield
- pollinator-friendly
Have you ever grown Garlic Geisha chives? Please tell us about your experiences with the Garlic Geisha.