Russet Burbank Potatoes
Russet Burbank potatoes are the most widely grown Russet cultivar in the US. This large oval potato is uniform in size and has patchy brown skin with rough textured flesh, making it perfect for chopping and frying. Because russets, like other large potatoes, tend to form hollow spots, they require more attention to watering, especially during and after flowering when the tubers begin to form.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (7 to 8 hours)
Soil pH
- 5.8 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 8
- Plant seed potatoes 10 to 12 inches apart
- Allow 2 to 3 feet between rows
- Water 1 or 2 times per week, totaling 1 inch per week
- Late potato – 90 to 120 days to maturity
- Best for baking, frying, mashing
- Dark brown skin with dry white flesh
- Excellent storage
Have you ever tried growing Russet Burbank potatoes? Are there any challenges you face growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Russet Burbank potatoes.
I usually harvest 250-300 lbs. of russets. This year I harvested 3 lbs. Pocket gophers destroyed my root crops this year. I have used Sulphur gas, traps and poisons and no luck so far. Any suggestions?