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Food Gardening Network

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Raspberries Rule! Gardening Guide

Please check out the brief video above, to learn what this premium gardening guide is all about—the video will give you a glimpse into all the content in this gardening guide, including history and background, planting tips, specific plant profiles, recipes, nutrition and health information, and resources to help you be the best food gardener you can be.

How would you like to grow magical jewels in your garden? You can, when you grow raspberries! Glowing like rubies, amethysts, and citrine, raspberries have almost supernatural properties when it comes to nutrition and health benefits. Raspberry bushes are perennials that can yield…  READ MORE right arrow
Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
If you’ve ever been raspberry picking, you know the joy of plucking the velvety orbs off their stems and popping them in your mouth where the berry releases its sweet juice on your tongue. There is nothing like the taste of a freshly picked raspberry. Certainly the berries packaged…  READ MORE right arrow
Delicious raspberries


Golden raspberries
Before choosing your raspberry plants, take a moment to consider how you will use your raspberries and the colors, flavors, and sizes you prefer. In addition to summer-bearing and ever-bearing types, the main categories of raspberries are.  READ MORE right arrow
Bare root raspberry cane, producing new growth
Getting your raspberry garden started begins with the choice of how to grow your plants—from bare root canes (or cuttings) or tissue culture plants (in pots). It’s easy and economical to start your raspberry plants from rooted canes, but tissue culture plants—while more expensive—are more established and tend to be hardier.  READ MORE right arrow

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