vegetable garden

How to Enclose a Vegetable Garden

How to Enclose a Vegetable Garden

Not everyone needs to enclose a vegetable garden, and that's super great for them, but if you're in a wooded area and sometimes see Bambi and bunnies frolicking in your  
Planning Out Bountiful Raised Beds

Planning Out Bountiful Raised Beds

If there's one thing I love to do in a deep February New England winter, it's planning out my vegetable garden. Last year it was a whole new ballgame because  
Timeless Vegetable Garden Layout Tools

Timeless Vegetable Garden Layout Tools

Before you judge my opening comment on vegetable garden layout tools, I should clarify that I'm not opposed to technology. I only call those tools "newfangled things" in jest, and  
When and How to Use Compost in the Spring

When and How to Use Compost in the Spring

The great thing about compost is that... wait. Forget that. Everything is great about compost. It's a great way to reduce the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill.  
Should You Garden Barefoot?

Should You Garden Barefoot?

I'm a barefoot gardener, and until I posted a video online of my daughter and me in the garden picking veggies for dinner, I never considered any issues with that.