Dropping temperatures, frigid nights, and short days can only mean one thing! It's time to start thinking about how to design a garden layout. Wait! Don't go! This isn't as …
Not everyone needs to enclose a vegetable garden, and that's super great for them, but if you're in a wooded area and sometimes see Bambi and bunnies frolicking in your …
If there's one thing I love to do in a deep February New England winter, it's planning out my vegetable garden. Last year it was a whole new ballgame because …
Before you judge my opening comment on vegetable garden layout tools, I should clarify that I'm not opposed to technology. I only call those tools "newfangled things" in jest, and …
The great thing about compost is that... wait. Forget that. Everything is great about compost. It's a great way to reduce the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill. …
Unlike taking the SATs, testing soil pH levels in your vegetable garden should not induce stress-related hives and anxiety. On the contrary, finding out your garden’s pH level is pretty …
I’ll do just about anything to keep pests out of my vegetable garden. I’d even use Home Alone-style booby traps if I thought they’d keep insects and other pests from …
I'm a barefoot gardener, and until I posted a video online of my daughter and me in the garden picking veggies for dinner, I never considered any issues with that. …
In the northeast where I live, there are about 4-5 months of actual gardening, and 7-8 months of planning. I like to plan a garden that is partially in-ground and …