Royal Velvet lavender has rich, navy blue flowers with spikes as long as 4 inches atop long stems. This lavender is lovely cut or dried, with great scent and great flavor. Use it to add flavor to ice creams, puddings, or even flan. Royal Velvet can work as a low hedge, a garden border, or as part of a rock garden or herb garden.
Sun Exposure
- full sun
Soil pH
- 6.4 to 8.2
Hardiness Zones
- zones 5 to 8
- late spring
- early to mid summer
- 2 to 3 feet
- 2 to 3 feet
- 30 to 36 inches
- 1 inch per week or less
- prefers well-drained chalky, loamy, sandy soil
- drought tolerant
- attracts butterflies
- very fragrant
- grows quickly
Have you ever grown Royal Velvet lavender? Please tell us your favorite thing about it and your experiences growing Royal Velvet lavender.