Early White Grano Onions
Early White Grano onions are part of the Vidalia variety, sweet and delicious for cooking. Slow to bolt, Early White Grano onions are mostly grown in the south and west. They’re resistant to thrips and pink root fungus, and they’re heavy producers. Their flavor is good raw, but even better when you cook them.
- Short day onion variety
- Hardiness Zone: 2 to 9, but does best in the American South and West
- Days to Maturity: 100
- Pests/Diseases: some resistance to thrips and pink root fungus
- Color: white
- Flavor: sweet, mild
- Storage: 1 to 2 months
- Uses: soups, stews, casseroles, caramelization
Do you grow Early White Grano onions? If so, please tell us your top tips for ensuring a delicious harvest.