Dwarf Siberian kale is a delicious Russian variety that produces tasty leaves with a slight frill to them. These plants are hardy and productive. Harvest the leaves from the bottom up for fresh greens all season long.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to 12 hours)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.5
Hardiness Zones
- zones 3 to 9
- ideal temperature: 45 to 85 degrees F
- thin to 8 inches apart
- plant rows 18 inches apart
- 1 to 1 1/2 inches per week
- 50 days to maturity
- direct sow or seedlings
- cold hardy
- plant after spring frost and eight weeks before fall frost
- suitable for container growing
- grows to 16 inches tall, up to 2 feet wide
- will tolerate some shade, but prefers full sun
- good in salads and stir-fry
Have you ever grown Dwarf Siberian kale? Please tell us about your experiences with Dwarf Siberian kale plants.