Nutritious sunflower seeds in a cup
We’ve all known the challenge of eating right: the right foods, in the right quantity, at the right time …
Well, sunflower seeds are a superhero in the world of nutritious food. This humble seed that you can grow in your own garden is packed with protein and helpful vitamins and minerals. Calorie for calorie, sunflower seeds give you more bang for your nutritional buck.
Yes, they’re somewhat high in calories—165 calories for just one ounce of unsalted seeds—but the nutritional benefits abound! That little bit of sunflower seeds provides you with 6 grams of protein; that’s 12% of your recommended daily protein intake!
Sunflower seeds are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in sunflower seeds are the types of fat that may protect your heart. Plus, they have a long list of other beneficial nutrients.
So, an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but an ounce of sunflower seeds every day won’t hurt either!
Here is the nutrition information for 1 ounce of shelled, unsalted sunflowers:
Sunflower seeds are packed with essential nutrients, among them:
Vitamin E: Vitamin E has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system, and for good vision.
Selenium: Selenium works with vitamin E as an antioxidant. It protects cells from damage that could lead to cancer and heart disease.
Copper: Copper helps your body carry oxygen to red blood cells and produce energy in the cells.
Folate: This B vitamin plays an essential role in creating new body cells, helping to form the DNA and RNA with each cell’s master plan for duplication. This is an essential element for pregnant women; it especially helps with proper development of the spinal cord.
Iron: Iron is essential for carrying oxygen from your lungs and through your body. One ounce of sunflower seeds provides 10% of the daily dose you need for optimal health.
Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals are plant chemicals thought to be advantageous to our health.
Did you know all these nutrition facts about sunflowers? Please tell us what you think.