When I think of deer-resistant vegetables, it’s usually a cartoon that comes to mind. I can picture little veggies with shields and swords trying to ward off a herd of …
The Easiest Vegetables to Grow in New England
I live in New England, and I love having four distinct seasons, even if winter is a bit longer than I’d like. If you’re reading this based on the title, …
7 Shallow Root Vegetables That Grow Great in Containers and Tough Spots
Nice as it would be, we don’t all have big plots of land and healthy, rich soil to grow our gardens. Heck, some of us don’t have any land at …
10 Drought-Resistant Vegetables for a Water Conscious Garden
We all know that vegetables need water to grow, but what happens when watering your garden gets complicated. You might live in a dry climate where droughts are common. Or …
10 Marigold Companion Plants in a Vegetable Garden
As a kid, my least favorite flower was the marigold. Companion plants, pollinators, and wondering how the heck to keep rabbits out of my garden was still years away. Marigolds, …
The Biggest Basil and Tomato Companion Planting Benefits
If time machines were a thing, you could go back to a classic 1972 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercial, where in the commercial, a man trips and falls, accidentally dipping …
5 Different Types of Vegetable Vines You Can Grow
Vertical gardening is very trendy these days, but I think it’s for good reason. Vegetable vines are great for growing “up,” and can be ideal for small gardens and containers. …
Can You Eat Green Tomatoes Raw or Are They Toxic?
Can you eat green tomatoes? Raw? Cooked? Diced into a salsa? Oh, this question is as old as time. What else would we bicker about at our gardening clubs, if …
7 Ideas for Mulching a Vegetable Garden That Actually Work
The best piece of advice I got over ten years ago, in regards to weeds in my garden came from a friend of my mom who always has the most …
10 Vegetables that Require Little Sun to Flourish
When we bought our house, my favorite thing in the backyard was the hundred-year-old Ash tree smack dab in the center of the yard. She was statuesque, gorgeous, sturdy, and …