Vegetable Gardening

The Best Heirloom Vegetable Plants to Grow

Mention heirloom vegetable plants and immediately we think of rich tomatoes, sweet corn, or bright purple carrots. The other thing that comes to mind is a garden full of vegetables that get ruined by disease or eaten by bugs or that fail to thrive because they have such specific growing needs.

Vegetable Gardening

The Easiest Vegetables to Grow in Pots

One sunny day in late summer, I went to visit a city-dwelling friend. We went for a walk, and I noted a few porches with a random tomato plant or two in pots and the occasional container garden of basil and thyme. And then. 

Vegetable Gardening

20 Gardening Myths Busted

Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to hear something a few times, begin to believe it, and then adopt it into your own gardening practice. Here are some gardening myths that I’ve heard passed around and how they are based on misinformation or outdated methods.

Vegetable Gardening

Benefits of Gardening in Retirement Communities

Many adults choose to spend their golden years in a vibrant, supportive retirement community. However, these complexes offer more than just movie nights, Mahjong and social clubs. Residents also reap the benefits of community gardens, making gardening in retirement an increasingly popular activity. Cultivating happiness: The joys of gardening in retirement Food gardens promote mental […]

Vegetable Gardening

60 Inspirational Quotes About Gardening

I love a good garden joke. Why doesn’t Elton John like lettuce?  He’s more of a Rocket Man. I was offered a job as a gardener, but I didn’t take it because the celery was too low.  Oh, ho, ho. Knee-slappers I say. You know what else I love? Quotes about gardening, and these inspirational […]

Vegetable Gardening

10 Drought-Resistant Vegetables for a Water Conscious Garden

We all know that vegetables need water to grow, but what happens when watering your garden gets complicated. You might live in a dry climate where droughts are common. Or maybe you use well water and need to be careful about using a sprinkler or irrigation system on a regular basis. Whatever your reason, choosing drought-resistant vegetables is a great strategy when planting a water-conscious garden.

Vegetable Gardening

The Easiest Vegetables to Grow in New England

I live in New England, and I love having four distinct seasons, even if winter is a bit longer than I’d like. If you’re reading this based on the title, you are likely in New England too (howdy neighbor!)  so you know that New England also has a long history of farming, and you probably live on a plot that was once farmland. Bartlett Farm, one of the oldest farms in New England, is in Massachusetts and began growing vegetables in 1659 (or possibly 1639, depending on your source).

Daily Vegetable Gardening

How to Stop Vegetable Diseases from Invading Your Garden

Vegetable gardening can bring a roller coaster of emotions. Watching your plants grow from seed or seedlings can be thrilling, especially when it comes time to harvest your crops. Not to mention the cost savings and peace of mind that comes from growing your own vegetables, herbs, and fruits. But vegetable gardening can be devastating, too. It’s heartbreaking to see your hard work and long hours go down the drain because of various garden diseases.

Vegetable Gardening

How to Plan an English Vegetable Garden

Ah… the English vegetable garden. Maybe I’ve watched too many British television shows, but I picture an English vegetable garden as a place to take my afternoon tea with a book and biscuit whilst colorful Peacock butterflies flit about and the birds sing their happy songs. 

Vegetable Gardening

Why Vegetables Grown Above Ground Are Beloved by Health Nuts

Let’s talk about health. No, I’m not your doctor, and no, I’m not about to make you feel guilty about the fact that you didn’t exercise yesterday. I, too, may or may not have exercised yesterday. As a food gardener, though, I am interested in what I eat and how it impacts my health. Since I can’t very well grow a chocolate bar in my garden, that topic is a bit more limited to vegetables that grow above ground and those that grow below ground.