Articles by Norann Oleson

Myoga Ginger

Myoga Ginger

Botanical name: Zingiber mioga Other names: Japanese ginger, Oshoga, Kintoki, Sanshu This is a ginger plant that gets full use on the culinary front. In Japan, chefs use the Myoga ginger’s flowers  
Beehive Ginger

Beehive Ginger

Botanical name: Zingiber spectabile Other names: Ginger wort, Malaysian ginger Beehive ginger will really stand out in your garden, whether in your yard, in raised beds, or in pots on your deck,  
Common Ginger

Common Ginger

Botanical name: Zingiber Officinale Other names: true ginger, Jengibre, Ginger Adrak, Kion This is the ginger you usually find at the market. It’s the type of ginger most commonly grown for cooking,  
Storing and Preserving Your Ginger

Storing and Preserving Your Ginger

Storing your ginger rhizomes in a cool, dark, spot is just one way of preserving your ginger. But there are several ways you can prepare your ginger to make it  
Bringing in the Ginger Harvest

Bringing in the Ginger Harvest

If you like, you can harvest some of your ginger before the whole crop is ready. If you dig gently at the base of the outmost stem, you can see  
The Right Way to Weed Your Ginger Garden

The Right Way to Weed Your Ginger Garden

When it comes to weeding, ginger is not a labor-intensive crop. The best way to discourage weeds is to lay down a layer of mulch around your plants—without touching the