Young quinoa seedling in the garden
Getting your quinoa garden started every season begins with the choice of how to grow your plants—from seeds or seedlings? Quinoa is typically grown from seed, either sown directly into the ground or as transplanted seedlings you start inside. You might experiment with planting a mix of seeds and seedlings and see which method you prefer.
When growing from seeds, you’ll need the right tools and a disciplined process for getting from seeds to plants that will produce a good harvest for you.
Besides your seeds, tools might include:
- Starting soil
- Containers
- Widger (a spatula-like tool for lifting seedlings without damaging them)
- Germination station
- Grow lights
- Heat mats
Depending on your set-up situation, you might not need all of these items—or you might be able to do-it-yourself (DIY) on some things. If you choose to grow your quinoa from seeds, take advantage of all the options to select the varieties that you really want.
Have you tried growing quinoa from seeds, seedlings, or both? Which method do you prefer—and why? Please tell us how you get your quinoa garden started ever year.