
17 Home-Grown Home Remedies

17 Home-Grown Home Remedies

Growing my own herbs for natural remedies has been a transformative journey for me, one that I stumbled upon pretty unexpectedly. It all began a few years ago when I  
Spring’s Teasing Dance (with audio)

Spring’s Teasing Dance (with audio)

"You don't have to do so much." Ah, the sage advice of Sweet Lori, the ever-opinionated mother. The seeds, the fuss, the digging—apparently, I was doing it all wrong.  
10 Sage Companion Plants

10 Sage Companion Plants

If you think about it, referring to the garden as a neighborhood isn't so strange. A diverse grouping of flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruits creates a mini ecosystem where bees,  
Slower Than Molasses in January

Slower Than Molasses in January

January 15 is the anniversary of Boston’s Great Molasses Flood of 1919. Just after lunchtime on that fatal day, a five-story-high storage tank in Boston’s North End, filled to bursting  
Surprise Butternut Squash Soup

Surprise Butternut Squash Soup

I love surprises. It’s just something I never get tired of! When I tried this recipe for butternut squash soup, I was a lot more than pleasantly surprised with the  
Garden Follies

Garden Follies

My dad was a rural soul, despite a closet full of suits and a house in a Birmingham, Alabama, suburb. This notion first presented itself to me one night when