pear tree

The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are the high-school overachiever of the garden. They’re the “4.0 GPA, flawless skin, all AP classes, volunteers at a nursing home” type. Flowering fruit trees are the darling  
Pear Pests

Pear Pests

Pear trees may fall victim to local wildlife: rabbits love bark and young branches, and deer love pears. So, consider some chicken wire or netting to protect your crop.  
The Right Sunlight for Your Pears

The Right Sunlight for Your Pears

Pears need a warm, sunny, sheltered place to grow and thrive. Most varieties prefer full sun, but in a spot that will protect them from frost—especially in the spring when  
Training and Pruning your Pear Trees

Training and Pruning your Pear Trees

Just because a pear tree can grow to a height of 30 feet doesn’t mean it has to. You will control the reach and spread of your trees through training