Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” That’s a quote I can totally get behind! It certainly applies to many things, especially when it comes to cooking. Sure, it can be tempting to try and whip up a complex dish with a whole grocery list of ingredients — especially when you’re feeling all those culinary creative juices flowing. However, there are also days when having just a handful of ingredients leads to a simple but supremely satisfying dish.
That’s what this Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad is all about!
Light and refreshing, this recipe for Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad just needs seven ingredients, most of which you can probably find in your pantry. If you’re tending to your own home garden, then this salad is definitely for you!
First thing’s first, you need fresh, seeded watermelon cubes. You can tell between a good watermelon and a bad one as the former has a sweet and juicy flavor coupled with a crisp and refreshing texture. One other way you can determine the freshness of a watermelon is if you notice a slightly grassy aroma when you cut off the rind.
Next are fresh mozzarella pearls, which lend a delicate and slightly sour taste that balances out the sweetness of the watermelon cubes. The mozzarella’s soft texture also nicely contrasts with this tropical fruit’s crunchiness.
Supporting from the sidelines are some chopped fresh basil, scallions, extra virgin olive oil to keep them all together, and a dash of balsamic vinegar for that extra punch of flavor. Toss them all together and season with the mainstay of salads — the salt-and-pepper combo.
Serving your Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad over a fresh bed of baby greens doesn’t just bring out the flavors nicely, but it also brightens up your dish and makes it refreshing to both the palate and the eyes.
Simple yet satisfying — the ultimate sophistication indeed!
Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad
Simple, satisfying, and sophisticated — this Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad is everything! Eat it on its own for lunch, serve it as a side with dinner, or it’s perfect for your next cookout with burgers and steaks.
- Prep Time: 30 minutes
- Total Time: 30 minutes
- Yield: Serves 6
- Category: Salads & Dressings
- 2 cups seeded small watermelon cubes
- 2 cups fresh mozzarella pearls
- 1 cup chopped fresh basil (purple or green)
- 1 to 2 tablespoons trimmed and chopped scallions
- 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
- Pinch salt and pepper to taste
- Dash balsamic vinegar as desired
- 2 cups mixed greens
- Toss together the watermelon, mozzarella, basil, scallions, and oil.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve over a bed of baby greens. Drizzle a bit of balsamic vinegar over if desired.
Watermelon is a delicious treat and a powerful superfood! Learn more about growing watermelon in our Wonderful Watermelon Gardening Guide. You’ll get everything you need to know about growing and enjoying this delicious fruit, history and background of this sweet summer plant to specific advice on growing, harvesting, and enjoying your hard work!
Have you tried this Fresh Mozzarella Watermelon Salad recipe? It’s a wonderful first course for a summer evening dinner—please tell us how it turned out for you.