Touchon carrots
Of all the Nantes-type carrots, the Touchon is considered to be the best for eating fresh, roasted, glazed, or in soups or stews. It’s core-free, stores well, and is low in fiber—making it a great choice for carrot juice. This is one delicious, hard-working carrot!
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours) to partial shade
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 7.0
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 10
- thin to 3 inches apart
- space rows 12 inches
- 1 to 1.5 inches per week; don’t let soil dry out
- direct sow; carrots do not transplant well
- sow in late spring after danger of heavy frost is past
- sow fall crop mid-summer in milder regions
- these grow to about 6 inches long; make sure soil is loose and unobstructed
- 65 days to maturity
Have you ever grown Touchon carrots? Please tell us your favorite thing about them and your experiences growing Touchon carrots.