Bouquet dill
Bouquet is the most popular and widely grown variety of dill, and it’s no wonder why. Bouquet produces plentiful leaf and seed yields, big, early blooms that look beautiful in bouquets (hence the name), large seed umbels, and long stems, making it the preferred variety for cut flowers and pickling. Sow in succession every three weeks in spring for continuous summer to fall harvest.
- Leaves mature in 40 to 45 days; seeds mature in 85 to 100 days
- Plentiful leaf and seed yield
- Height varies: 2 to 4 feet
- Mild flavor
- Good for sauces, salad, soups, and pickling. Use flowers to garnish pickles, potato salad, green salads, and more.
Have you ever grown Bouquet dill? Please tell us about your experiences with Bouquet dill.