Pole beans
There are two basic types of green beans: bush beans and pole beans. As you might expect, bush beans are low growing and pole beans need support and grow tall. Here are some characteristics of each:
Bush beans:
- Grow 1 to 2 feet
- Prefer warm to hot weather
- Produce all at once (which is why they’re preferred for commercial, mechanical harvesting)
- Can be grown in gardens, raised beds, or containers
Pole beans:
- Grow vertically as runners or vines, typically 6 to 8 feet
- Need support to climb; teepees, tunnels, and other support systems add interest to the garden and are fun for kids
- Produce over a period of weeks, making them easy to harvest by hand
- Can be grown in gardens, raised beds, or containers
- Good choice if you have limited gardening space.
Within these two main types, you’ll also find varieties with certain characteristics.
Most common bean variety types include:
- Classic snap: Your basic, reliable green bean.
- Romano or Italian-style beans: Have flat, broad pods. Includes the beautiful yellow and purple-streaked Dragon’s tongue variety.
- Stringless snap beans: Cultivated without the string along the seam of the bean (no need to spend time pulling off the string before cooking).
- Filet cultivars: Slim beans (known in French as haricot verts), usually prepared whole.
- Long-podded cultivars: Large, long bean varieties.
- Yellow-podded cultivars: Commonly called “wax beans,” they keep their color when cooked.
- Purple-podded cultivars: The dark purple color looks beautiful in the garden and makes them easy to see for picking—alas, they turn green when cooked.
- Runner beans: Similar to pole beans, these green beans are species Phaseolus coccineus. and grow 8 to 10 feet.
Which type of green beans have you grown? Do you have a preference? Please share your opinion.
Question ?? Where does onw purchaSE colored beans ??