Chamomile and cucumbers make good companions in the garden.
Have you heard that some plants grow better with other plants? The Three Sisters method is the epitome of companion planting, with corn, beans, and squash benefiting each other by providing support, deterring weeds, and sharing nutrients.
Chamomile has a reputation for being a good planting companion with garlic. Some gardeners also say it’s a good companion for cabbage, cucumbers, onions, basil, and wheat, improving the flavor and general health of your garden plants. And it may give other herbs a boost in their essential oil production, including mint. Apple farmers often plant chamomile near their trees to take advantage of chamomile’s antibacterial and antifungal properties and protect their trees from fungal infections. If you have droopy plants or struggling seedlings, you can make a tea of some of the chamomile blossoms: soak a handful of flowers in cold water for a couple days and then use that tea to nurture your struggling plants. Chamomile tea is good for your garden!
Another basic benefit of planting chamomile in your garden is for weed control; it’s a ground cover with extra benefits. The low-growing Roman chamomile will deter the growth of weeds, attract bees and other beneficial insects for pollination, provide a burst of color among your vegetables, and in the end, you get chamomile blossoms for a relaxing cup of tea!
Do you plant chamomile as a companion plant in your garden? Let us know which plants you find benefit the most from growing alongside chamomile.