growing tomatoes

What to Plant in August in USDA Zones 7-8

What to Plant in August in USDA Zones 7-8

August in USDA zones 7-8 presents a unique opportunity for gardeners to balance the waning summer heat with the promise of a bountiful fall harvest. These zones, characterized by their  
The Best Heirloom Vegetable Plants to Grow

The Best Heirloom Vegetable Plants to Grow

Mention heirloom vegetable plants and immediately we think of rich tomatoes, sweet corn, or bright purple carrots. The other thing that comes to mind is a garden full of vegetables  
Tomatoes. Good for What Ails You?

Tomatoes. Good for What Ails You?

There’s a long history of helpful medicinals from plants. Just for starters, we’ve got aspirin from willow bark, digitalis from foxgloves, quinine from the cinchona tree; and codeine from opium  
10 Fruits and Vegetables to Plant in June

10 Fruits and Vegetables to Plant in June

Some plants like the cool weather, while others prefer the heat. Some plants are easy to start indoors, like tomatoes, and others prefer to be planted directly, like beans.  One  
The Best Way to Grow Tomatoes

The Best Way to Grow Tomatoes

If you want to grow tomatoes in your home garden—the easy and fruitful way—you’ve come to the right place! Food Gardening Network’s purpose is to help home gardeners like you with