
So Much and So Many

So Much and So Many

Summertime has always meant sun, dirt, and mud to me. It means longer days. Most of all, Summertime means abundance.  
3 Lettuce Cup Recipes

3 Lettuce Cup Recipes

Lettuce gets a bad rap sometimes. Rabbit food. Mostly water. Flavorless. OK, sometimes that’s true. But also true: there are more delicious varieties of lettuce available than you can shake  

The Love of Dirt

The love of dirt is among the earliest of passions, as it is the latest. Mud-pies gratify one of our first and best instincts. So long as we are dirty,  
Try to Remember

Try to Remember

What did you plant in your garden the year before last? Or the year before that? (And no peeking if you’re the sort of well-organized gardener who keeps notes.) Human  
The Smell and Taste of Soil

The Smell and Taste of Soil

In GreenPrints Magazine, our sister publication, Becky Rupp often writes in-depth articles about gardening science or the history behind certain wonders of the garden. This article "The Sweet Smell of Rain"