an apple tree

The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are the high-school overachiever of the garden. They’re the “4.0 GPA, flawless skin, all AP classes, volunteers at a nursing home” type. Flowering fruit trees are the darling  
A Knowing Peach Tree

A Knowing Peach Tree

Can trees sense trouble coming? Can they tell when they are healthy or desperately ill? I’ll let my peach tree answer. But first, a glimpse at my horticultural history.  
How to Grow a Smoothie Garden Indoors

How to Grow a Smoothie Garden Indoors

I love smoothies. And if you live in a warm enough place and have enough outdoor space, you can pretty easily grow a smoothie garden with all the fruits and