Evergreen Hardy White Scallions

Evergreen Hardy White Scallions
If you live in an area that gets cold but doesn’t have hard freezes, the Evergreen Hardy White could be a good scallion for you to grow. This variety is the most cold-hardy of cold-hardy scallions. You can let it winter over, but beware: your plants may bolt in the spring, in which case you’ll have lots of new seeds to gather, but nothing much else to harvest. When scallions go to seed, their flavor fades.
- Exceptionally cold-hardy; can leave in the ground year-round
- Resistant to thrips, smut, and pink root
- Sow seeds in early spring through early fall
- 65 days to maturity
- Harvest well into winter in cold (but frostless) regions
- Little or no bulbing
- Great for cooking, grilling, roasting, and snacking
Have you tried growing Evergreen Hardy White scallions? How do you use them? Please tell us your experiences growing Evergreen Hardy White scallions.