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Blueberry Bonanza: Everything You Need to Know about Growing and Enjoying Blueberries

Please check out the brief video above, to learn what this premium gardening guide is all about—the video will give you a glimpse into all the content in this gardening guide, including history and background, planting tips, specific plant profiles, recipes, nutrition and health information, and resources to help you be the best food gardener you can be.

Welcome to the beginning of your very own blueberry patch! Blueberries are a tasty, portable, delicious fruit with a growing list of accolades. Because of its antioxidant properties, the tiny blueberry is considered a superfood—an anti-aging, disease-preventing, brain-boosting, weight-managing, skin-smoothing wonder. Never mind…  READ MORE right arrow
The tiny blueberry has gained popularity as a superfood: it’s delicious and nutritious, and benefits our bodies inside and out. And it’s been around for thousands of years. Scientists think blueberries were one of the first edible berries early man found after the last ice age. Native…  READ MORE right arrow


USDA Hardiness Map
Blueberries can be grown in a wide range of climates, specifically in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 10. The recommended growing zones for blueberries vary depending on the type: Lowbush blueberries are hardy in zones 3 to 6. Half-high blueberries in zones 3 to 5. Highbush blueberries in zones 4 to 7. For example, states…  READ MORE right arrow
Blueberries come in five main species: 1. Lowbush, also known as “wild” blueberries 2. Northern highbush 3. Southern highbush 4. Rabbiteye 5. Half-high Within those major varieties of blueberries, you’ll find an assortment of cultivars. Cultivars are cultivated varieties (hence the name culti-var), often propagated by taking stem cuttings…  READ MORE right arrow
Lowbush blueberries are often called “wild” blueberries, because they’re harvested in the wild. You can find them growing in sandy soil near meadows or forest clearings, or near the edges of bogs. Some lowbush blueberry growers manage semi-wild patches that flourish in the acidic, sandy, well-drained soil in Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. Maine is the world’s leading producer of lowbush blueberries.  READ MORE right arrow

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