vegetables and herbs

What to Plant in November in USDA Zones 7-8

What to Plant in November in USDA Zones 7-8

In zones 7-8, November isn't just about preparing for dormancy; it's about strategic planting that capitalizes on nature's transitional rhythm. The gradual cooling acts like a starting gun for cool-season  
20 Gardening Myths Busted

20 Gardening Myths Busted

Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to  
5 Veggie Garden Hose Watering Mistakes

5 Veggie Garden Hose Watering Mistakes

When it comes to watering your vegetable garden, you have a few different choices to make. You can create drip irrigation systems, place soaker hoses in your garden, and even