Almost any gardener can tell you that the beauty and joy of a garden are proportional to the amount of work that goes into it. That gorgeous garden with deep …
It's Spring as I write this and we've already harvested some early greens and a few root vegetables like radishes. Daffodils, tulips, and hellebore brought some much-needed color to the …
Again, an intrusion of aphids has found its way to the bridal wreath bush in my Maryland garden. The assailants have slowly drained the graceful shrub of its vitality. Year …
I grew up in southwest Ohio, the second of seven children. Our family’s vegetable garden covered over an acre. In early March my dad would purchase Kennebec seed potatoes. …
There are some not-so-well-hidden secrets about planning your vegetable garden for a good harvest. The thing is, even though they aren't exactly "secret," they get skipped over a good bit.
To …
Goodness, the vegetable garden is finally—well almost, if truth be told—put to bed for another year. It is the exact same thing I’ve been doing for years: piling on top …
Birds have always fascinated me. I keep a bird feeder or two (or three) and enjoy seeing who shows up for a meal. The showy cardinals, goldfinches, and blue jays …
According to the USDA, 15% of the world's food supply is grown in cities. Take that folks who think city slickers can't grow real food, eh? With an indoor hydroponic …
Ha, the fun of moving to a new house without knowing what you’re getting into. And no, I’m not talking about knob and tube, or ancient septic systems, I’m talking …