Lucky you! While gardeners in other zones are huddled inside with their seed catalogs, January in zones 9-10 feels more like spring in most other places. With daytime temperatures typically …
If you’re lucky enough to have a patch of yard to do some gardening, you’ve likely spent some time dreaming up garden designs. If you’re anything like me, that involves …
After a rainstorm (or even a heavy watering), does your vegetable garden resemble day three of Woodstock? Soil drainage may be an issue! The good news is that there are …
If you’ve seen one soil, you’ve seen them all. It’s just dirt, right? Is there any reason you can’t use your raised bed soil for your indoor garden? The answer …
Good fences make good neighbors, but can they make good gardens, too? A vegetable garden border fence can accomplish a few different goals all at once. For one, it can …
I’m just going to say it: There is a lot that can go wrong with a garden. Somehow, we humans have cultivated vegetables for about 10,000 years. But a few …
I read my first garden book surreptitiously, at the age of nine, at Girl Scout camp. Girl Scout camp, from my point of view, was not the happy and team-spirited …
Why does it always seem like you spend all winter waiting, wishing, and hoping for spring, then when it arrives, your brain goes into panic mode, and suddenly you have …
Okay, maybe it’s a bit tongue in cheek to say that the best weeding tool for your vegetable garden is a goat. But did you know that some office parks …