When designing a vegetable garden, it’s a good idea to figure out which part of your yard receives the longest and most consistent light. Might as well get in a …
Sometimes, gardening advice gets passed around like gossip. It could be gardening tips from your grandfather on your mother’s side or a neighbor’s anecdotal vegetable garden evidence. It’s easy to …
When was the last time you gave much thought to your indoor garden temperature? Maybe a little when you're trying to germinate seeds or get your seedlings off to a …
As Autumn painted the village in hues of gold and crimson, excitement filled the air. The annual harvest festival was upon them, a time for celebration, gratitude, and community. The …
"I'm bored! There's nothing to do." Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure every parent or caregiver has heard this on at least a few occasions. Some of us might be able …
One of the benefits of growing herbs and vegetables in a hydroponic system is that you reduce the possibility of pests and diseases. Even still, there are a number of …
The first time I planted an herb garden and saw my chives, sage, and thyme grow back in the second year, I jumped to wondering what other kinds of herbs …
When I first started experimenting with vegetarian shepherd's pie, I was skeptical that anything could match the rich, satisfying flavors of the traditional version. But after years of testing different …
The joy of growing a kitchen garden in your yard is imagining the delicious recipes and meals you’ll create using your home-grown herbs and vegetables. Do you know what gets …
How could something so helpless like a slug cause so much damage in your garden? You might not always know you have a slug problem right away because slugs only …