growing vegetables

The Easiest Vegetables to Grow on a Balcony

The Easiest Vegetables to Grow on a Balcony

There’s something magical about a balcony garden. I don’t know if it’s the act of bringing nature into such an unlikely environment or if it’s the confidence that seems to  
How Often to Water Vegetable Seeds

How Often to Water Vegetable Seeds

I see it from the corner of my eye, the telltale green sliver poking up from the potting mix. Victory, thy name is Vegetable Sprout! My pride is brimming as  
What Can You Grow in Deck Rail Planters?

What Can You Grow in Deck Rail Planters?

I’ve always loved deck rail planters and window boxes. They’re kind of quaint, and they can bring some natural beauty to a space that’s usually ignored. It’s always nice to