growing okra

Okra and Greens

Okra and Greens

If you grow okra, I'm going to assume you love it, like I do. And when it's okra season, you will probably end up with a bumper crop and need  
Jambalaya with Okra

Jambalaya with Okra

As a resident of Maine (also known as a Mainer), traveling all the way to New Orleans would mean enduring a 27-hour drive through more than a thousand miles of  
Baked Okra Chips

Baked Okra Chips

Chips have been a favorite snack forever. If chips were invented as far back as prehistoric times, I bet even the dinosaurs would love them! My only problem with chips  
Where to Grow Okra

Where to Grow Okra

You can grow your okra anywhere you like—as long as it gets lots of sun. Okra hates shade. Find a spot with maximum sun exposure—at least six hours of direct