green onions

What Can You Grow in Deck Rail Planters?

What Can You Grow in Deck Rail Planters?

I’ve always loved deck rail planters and window boxes. They’re kind of quaint, and they can bring some natural beauty to a space that’s usually ignored. It’s always nice to  
How to Create an Edible Perennial Garden

How to Create an Edible Perennial Garden

Edible perennial fruits, herbs, and vegetables are the gift that keeps on giving! Unlike annuals or biennials, which must be planted annually or every other year respectively, perennials will return  
What to Plant in January in Zones 9-10

What to Plant in January in Zones 9-10

Lucky you! While gardeners in other zones are huddled inside with their seed catalogs, January in zones 9-10 feels more like spring in most other places. With daytime temperatures typically  
Chicken & Rice Soup

Chicken & Rice Soup

Chicken and rice soup sounds a lot like congee — also known as rice porridge — but hold your horses (or your chickens) because it’s worth noting that there’s a  
A Little Gardening Help?

A Little Gardening Help?

I remember the first time someone ever asked me for gardening help. "Who, me?" I thought. I still considered myself a black thumb at that point, so I was excited