I’ve always loved deck rail planters and window boxes. They’re kind of quaint, and they can bring some natural beauty to a space that’s usually ignored. It’s always nice to …
Everyone else can keep their plain white fried rice—my heart belongs to cauliflower rice. Cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables in my kitchen, and when it’s riced, it …
Rosemary is one of my absolute favorite herbs. I use it all the time for cooking and medicinal purposes. Plus, I love how it’s easy to propagate and grow indoors. …
The first time I planted an herb garden and saw my chives, sage, and thyme grow back in the second year, I jumped to wondering what other kinds of herbs …
Edible perennial fruits, herbs, and vegetables are the gift that keeps on giving! Unlike annuals or biennials, which must be planted annually or every other year respectively, perennials will return …
Lucky you! While gardeners in other zones are huddled inside with their seed catalogs, January in zones 9-10 feels more like spring in most other places. With daytime temperatures typically …
Oh, October in zones 4-6 - when the leaves are putting on their autumn best, and most gardeners are hanging up their trowels for the season. But not us, right? …
Chicken and rice soup sounds a lot like congee — also known as rice porridge — but hold your horses (or your chickens) because it’s worth noting that there’s a …
I remember the first time someone ever asked me for gardening help. "Who, me?" I thought. I still considered myself a black thumb at that point, so I was excited …