Creating homemade spice mixes for gifts can take various forms, depending on both the mix and the recipient. Consider the preferences of the person you're gifting to; your uncle in …
Friends, it is officially spring. The sun is out, the skies are blue, and the local flora and fauna are appearing. There's a robin in a tree near my window …
Take advantage of organic teamwork in your garden to deter garden pests, as well as weeds. Companion planting is a great way help plants protect each other.
For example, squash, peas, …
Brussels sprouts, once the brunt of jokes about how terrible vegetables taste, deserve a much better place at the table. In fact, once you know how to cook Brussels sprouts, …
Once upon a time, there was a woman who loved to garden. She planted cilantro near fennel, but the cilantro never grew. She didn't know that fennel secretes a growth-inhibiting …
Ask people you know about fennel, and many will say "Isn't that just a seed?" or "Doesn't fennel have a strong smell and taste like licorice?"—for many, fennel looks funny, …
As parents and grandparents of potential young gardeners, we have watched whimsical playtime in the backyard turn to bright staring faces behind blue tablets and screens. Eating out at a …
When you have a rainbow of radishes growing in your garden, mix them together and punch them up with a vinegar dressing, in this Rainbow Shaved Radish Salad. …
Stealing is a sin and a crime, but what about picking up fruit that’s fallen in someone’s yard? This was a serious issue for me after I moved to California …