If you grow carrots, you've likely experienced the joy of pulling a fresh carrot from the soil, anticipating that perfect blend of sweetness and earthy flavor. But what if your …
Do you know how to store potatoes? What about carrots and other root crops? Did you know that apples can last up to five months in your basement? There are …
The goal of a Freedom Garden is to be able to store and share the food you’re growing, so getting good at storing and preserving your fruits and veggies should …
There are dozens of varieties of carrots you can grow in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They're a great snack. You can cook them up as a side dish or …
Harvesting carrots is easy: just pull them out of the ground when you want them. In truth, you don’t have to wait the full growing period before you start harvesting …
Carrots fall into two main groups: early and maincrop. As their name suggests, early carrots mature earlier than their maincrop counterparts. In general, early carrots are ready for harvest in …