Sunshine Squash
Bake it, mash it, make it into pie—the Sunshine squash (a variety of Kabocha winter squash) is creamy, sweet, smooth, and stringless. This All-America Selections (AAS) winner has a reputation for being the best winter squash of all the varieties available. It’s a relatively compact plant (as squashes go) and should produce a healthy yield of bright red-orange fruits weighing in from 3 to 4 pounds.
Sun Exposure
- full sun
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- 2 to 9
- 6 to 8 feet
- at least 1 inch per week
- sweet, nutty flesh
- ready to eat right at harvest
- 95 days to maturity
Have you ever tried growing Sunshine squash? Are there any challenges you face growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Sunshine squash.