Riverside Giant Rhubarb

Riverside Giant Rhubarb
This rhubarb goes isn’t your traditional red rhubarb. The stalks of Riverside Giant rhubarb are thick and green. They’re delicious in jams, pies, and sauces, and perfect for freezing. This is one of the hardiest rhubarbs around—it can tolerate temperatures as low as -40 degrees F! If you treat this plant well, it can produce tasty stalks for 20 years or more!
Sun Exposure
- full sun to partial shade (at least six hours of sun)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- zones 3 to 7
- 4 feet
- at least 1 inch per week
- green stalks
- plant in well-draining soil
- cover with straw to over-winter
- divide every four to five years
- leaves are toxic; eat only the stalks
Have you tried growing Riverside Giant rhubarb? What region do you grow them in? Please tell us your experiences growing Riverside Giant rhubarb.
I meant “rootings”, not footings (thank you sooo much autocorrect).
No, I haven’t tried growing ‘Riverside Giant’ rhubarb, because there appears to be no commercial source for the variety. How about you send us some footings so that we can try and grow it?
Where can I buy “Riverside Giant Rhubarb” and “German Wine Rhubarb” Plants/Crowns in the US? Thanks.
Where can I buy the riverside giant rhubarb ???