Rainier Cherries

Rainier Cherries
Rainier is among the most popular and best-tasting cherries available, and it offers huge yields. Rainier is a golden cherry with exceptionally sweet, juicy fruit, and it’s an excellent choice for those with a medium-size growing area. It boasts stunning pink and white flower in spring and turns golden yellow in the fall. Developed in Washington and named after Mount Rainier, it is cold hardy and starts developing fruit at a young age. The fruit has a much higher sugar content than the Bing or other sweet cherries and can be eaten fresh off the tree or in baked goods and preserves.
Sun exposure:
- full sun
Soil pH:
- 6.0 to 6.5
Hardiness Zones:
- 5 to 9
- 20 to 25 feet
- 1 inch per week
- reaches a height and spread up to 25 feet
- ripens in mid-June
- requires a pollinatior
Have you tried growing Rainier cherries? How do you use them? Please tell us your experiences growing Rainier cherries.
Can the Ranier be grown in the Phoenix area? Or in a container?
I guess the pollinator is a second tree? Does the type matter i.e. another of the same or a diff variety? Thanks.
You are correct – the pollinator would be another cherry tree of a different variety. Some great options for Rainier Cherry trees are Bing, Montmorency and Black Tartarian.
Good luck and Happy Gardening!